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Infrared Thermal Bonding Services

Infrared Thermal Bonding is the process of adding fresh hot asphalt to an infrared-heated repair area to form a joint free bonded repair. Infrared heat softens the existing pavement providing a cost efficient method for a seamless repair.

Steps in the Infrared Process:
  1. The Infrared unit is lowered down to the pavement repair area.
  2. The Infrared heat penetrates the top existing asphalt layer.
  3. The softened asphalt is raked and removed.
  4. Fresh hot asphalt is added with the original pavement.
  5. The edges are rolled to bond the new asphalt with the old pavement, and the area is rolled and compacted.
  6. The area becomes a seamless repair with the original pavement.
  • Pot Hole Repair
  • Bird Baths & Depressions
  • Manhole Adjustments
  • Cracked or Alligator Areas
  • Asphalt Ramping
  • Blending Asphalt Generations
  • Uneven or High-Low Spots

Feel free to contact us by email, phone or fax at any time to discuss your asphalt needs. If you have any questions, comments or would like to schedule us for a bid, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

The Bitterness Of Poor Quality Remains Long After The Sweetness Of The Low Price Is Forgotten!!!